Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just curious about other perspectives....What does family look like for you?

I ask because the family situation I have is the only one I really truly know, and I'm not that happy with mine. So, I'm not asking what you THINK family should be but what YOUR family situation is like.

I know its kinda personal but there is something satisfying about writing it online instead of talking about it face to face. I'm in the middle of writing my experience - actually I would imagine that most of this blog will be about my family experience, with the occasional recipe or art project I find amusing.


  1. Almost everyone I know grew up in dysfunctional families (Joke: We put the FUN in dysfunctional!) Even families that look great on the outside have their secrets and failings. One thing I think I have learned - when we are little, we give our parents a lot of credit. When we get older, we understand that they were just struggling, too. I remember when my son was born (I have all sisters, no experience raising boys) and I realized he didn't come with a manual, I was going to have to figure this out for myself (panic!)

  2. Yeah, I guess I have a hard time trying to bring myself back to solid ground and realize the truth behind everything. We are all humans and to take your manual comment even further - life in general does not come with a manual! Right? I mean we all wish it did...

    I think that sometimes I need to take the focus off of me and just realize that my family is made up of humans who as we know are always prone to error. I just think that I would have an easier time doing all of this while out of the house. It is too dysfunctional for me these days and is driving me to insanity!

    I am sure that you were/are a wonderful mother to your boy! Boys are fun, and I hope that you got your wish as far as playing cowboys and things :-)
