Thursday, April 2, 2009

Maybe A More Formal Introduction?

Hello blog world!

I am a 25 year old recent RN graduate. It has been a long road to finally make it to this point of my life. I think most of my hurdles were my family. I am a sister to four younger brothers. My family is still together, although I often wonder, how?

Because of money and life issues I have remained at home this whole 25 LONG (at least it feels that way) years. The prospect of moving out is seeming to near and show its pretty face. I cannot wait to move out. There have been many things happening at my house which have been very psychologically damaging to me. I am reaching my breaking point. There is only so much drug/alcohol abuse (of under age kids), and horrible parenting one can take.

I know that deep down I love my family and that somewhere I appreciate all that they have done for me and all that I've been able to do for them. However, while living with them I am not able to see all those positives. My family doesn't know who I am, hell, I don't even know who I am! I have been smothered while at my house and unable to become and individual - all of which are necessary to continue a healthy life for oneself while discovering what the world has to offer.

Throughout this blog I hope to map out, mostly for my benefit, my trials of living with a family for this long. I hope that in the process of me hashing out my problems that others may be able to relate and contribute words of wisdom. I welcome viewpoints of others. I need all the help I can get. I feel lost. I know I can't be the only one who feels lost about such subjects, so come on out and enter in my blog discussions!


  1. Maybe you have been doing a lot of parenting, too? Maybe you are parenting one or more of your parents, as well as those four younger brothers? It can be a terrible burden, and I don't know how you have managed so well - graduating as an RN is not easy! All those sciences! How did you do it?

  2. You know, you might be on to something about me parenting. And maybe that is where my frustration lies now. I've stopped parenting and now I'm throwing everyone for a loop by making plans to leave. Maybe my family looks at it as I'm abandoning them.

    As for graduating, I have no idea how I did it. It must have been with the flippant support from my family coupled with my loving boyfriend and his family. At one point I didn't have a car either so that made it difficult to get away from my crazy house, but I am glad those years are over and I am embarking on a career now!

  3. Congratulations on graduating! Wishing you luck. It is wonderful you have the courage to speak out on a blog.
    Finding yourself in this big world will take time. Once you are able to be on your own it should be easier to see who you are; in a different light, so to speak. Living with parents who deal abuse of sorts is horrific on a young woman like yourself. Yes, that is correct; you are parenting your parents and siblings. Which will add to your frustrations in life.

    Thanks for stopping over at One Of Many Me's. My blog is a bit messy in places. Although it helped me get through some tough stuff in my life.

    Thanks again. Hope to read you here again soon. Take care.
